
Now with robotic scorpion power

What's better than a robotic scorpion of death?
Nothing, that's what!
After far more time than I care to admit I finally managed to get my Hades complete. It's looking pretty nice, if I do say so myself.
I used a heavy amount of Migs dark and brown inks to muddy it up and give it that oily kind of finish, like it's been in a couple of battles or has seen some hours in operation.
Almost finished the 1500pt force now, just in time for my game in Saturday. It's a real race to the finish though and I'm behind schedule with a Poseidon, 2 Phobos and 4 Immortals to finish.
I'll be testing this list out tonight, though I already know that I'm going to vastly overhaul this lost for the tournament at Blackknight Games in February.

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